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6 Do's and Dont's for Healthy Ears: How to Care for Your Ears

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

According to the World Health Organization, it is anticipated that by the year 2050, nearly 2.5 billion individuals will experience varying degrees of hearing loss, with at least 700 million requiring rehabilitation for their auditory health. Despite the crucial role our ears have in our daily lives, enabling us to enjoy the sounds of nature, music, and conversation, many of us inadvertently engage in habits that can compromise our ear health.

In this blog, we'll explore the do's and don'ts that contribute to optimal ear health, ensuring you can enjoy the sounds of life for years to come.

Woman whispering to another's ear. Habits to start and let go for healthy ears. ENT Family
George Marks @Photo Images

Don't: Excessive Ear Cleaning

Excessive ear cleaning involves cleaning the ears more frequently or aggressively than necessary, and it can potentially lead to various issues. The ear is a self-cleaning organ, with earwax (cerumen) serving as a protective substance that traps dust, debris, and foreign particles, preventing them from reaching the sensitive parts of the ear. Remember, less is often more when it comes to ear cleaning.

Do: Start Protecting Ears from Loud Noises

The world is filled with various sounds, some pleasant and others not so much. From concerts to construction sites, exposure to loud noises can have a lasting impact on our ears. This year, commit to protecting your hearing by using earplugs or ear protection devices in noisy environments. Your ears will thank you in the long run!

Don't: Use Q-Tips to Clean Ears

It's a common misconception that inserting Q-Tips into the ear canal is an effective way to clean ears. In reality, this can push earwax deeper, causing blockages and potential damage.

Tips for Safe Ear Cleaning

  • Outer Ear Only: Focus on cleaning the outer part of your ears with a clean washcloth. Avoid inserting objects into the ear canal.

  • Ear Drops for Wax Softening: If you experience earwax buildup, consider using over-the-counter ear drops or mineral oil to soften the wax, making it easier to naturally expel.

  • Professional Guidance: If you're prone to earwax impaction or have concerns about your ear health, consult with a healthcare professional. They can guide safe cleaning methods or perform necessary procedures if there's an issue.

Do: Kick the Smoking Habit

Smoking is not only detrimental to your lungs but also to your ears. The toxic chemicals in cigarettes can harm the delicate structures in your ears. Let's delve into the harmful effects of smoking on these delicate organs:

1. Hearing Loss: The most significant consequence is hearing loss. Studies have shown that smokers are 1.5 to 2 times more likely to experience hearing loss compared to non-smokers. This is due to several factors:

  • Reduced blood flow: Nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes constrict blood vessels, limiting blood flow to the inner ear, where hair cells crucial for hearing reside. Damage to these hair cells leads to hearing loss.

  • Toxic chemicals: Cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are ototoxic, meaning they damage the ear. These chemicals can harm hair cells and the auditory nerve, further contributing to hearing loss.

  • Increased susceptibility to noise damage: Smoking weakens the hair cells, making them more vulnerable to damage from loud noises. This is especially concerning for individuals who work in noisy environments or enjoy loud music.

2. Tinnitus: That persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears, known as tinnitus, is another common side effect of smoking. While the exact mechanism is unclear, it's believed that smoking-induced damage to the auditory nerve or hair cells can trigger tinnitus.

3. Eustachian tube dysfunction: The Eustachian tube regulates pressure in the middle ear. Smoking irritates the lining of this tube, causing it to malfunction. This can lead to ear pain, fullness, and hearing loss.

4. Vertigo: Smoking can disrupt blood flow to the inner ear, which plays a role in balance. This can lead to vertigo, a sensation of dizziness or spinning.

The good news? Quitting smoking can reverse some of these effects. As blood flow improves and the body starts to heal, hearing loss and tinnitus may improve. The risk of ear infections and Eustachian tube dysfunction also decreases significantly.

Don't: Ignore Allergies

Yes, allergies can indeed impact the ears as allergic reactions can manifest in various ways.

One notable effect is the potential development of otitis media, a middle ear infection. Allergies can induce inflammation in the nasal passages and the eustachian tubes, disrupting the normal drainage of fluids from the middle ear and creating an environment favorable for bacterial or viral infections. This can result in symptoms such as ear pain, pressure, and impaired hearing.

Additionally, allergic reactions may lead to eustachian tube dysfunction, causing these tubes to become swollen or blocked. As these tubes are responsible for equalizing pressure in the ears and facilitating fluid drainage, their improper function due to allergies can give rise to symptoms like ear fullness, discomfort, and difficulty hearing.

Do: Opt to Lower the Volume

In a world filled with constant noise, it's easy to succumb to the temptation of turning up the volume. Whether it's listening to music, watching TV, or using headphones, opt to keep the volume at a reasonable level. This simple resolution can significantly reduce the risk of noise-induced hearing loss over time.


Seek Medical Advice on How to Care for your Ears

Our ears are invaluable, and adopting healthy habits is key to preserving their function and longevity. Stay on top of your ear health and hearing, and schedule a consultation with your local Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist to ensure a comprehensive assessment. These experts can conduct thorough examinations, identify potential issues early on, and provide personalized advice to address any concerns.

Doctor showing patient a chart.
Ngampol Thomsai | Getty Images

Your ears deserve the best care, and you have the power to make it happen! If you live around the Hollywood, Florida area, allow ENT Family to be the professional guidance you need!

Find relief today—trust ENT Family for expert care and peace of mind.

Address: 3911 Hollywood Blvd Suite 201, Hollywood, FL 33021, United States

Phone: 754-888-1368


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Dr. David Eleff, Otolaryngologist/Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist at ENT Family in Hollywood, Florida.

This article has been medically reviewed by otolaryngologist, David Eleff, M.D.

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